ao. Univ.-Prof. i.R. Dr. Andrea Komlosy
Profile in u:cris-Portal
Room: ZG2HP.76
Office hours: Wed. 11:00 - 12:00pm
2002 - 2022 ao. Universitätsprofessorin
Education and Experience
- 1984 Promotion, history (University of Vienna)
- 1986 Diploma, political science (Institut für Höhere Studien Wien)
- 1992-93 Contracted assistant at the Institut für Kunstgeschichte, Denkmalpflege und Industriearchäologie at the Technical University of Vienna: archiving of industrial archeology
- 1993 University assistant at the Institute for Economic and Social History, University of Vienna
- 2002 Habilitation (University of Vienna)
- 2014/15 Schumpeter fellow Harvard University, Weatherhead Center for International Affairs
- 2023ff Ongoing activities inspite of retirement
Areas of Research
- 18th-20th century economic and social history of the Habsburg Monarchy and its successor states
- Borders, migration und unequal regional, national and global development
- Industrial history, the world of work and musealization
- Global history: curriculum development, theories and methods
- The history of textiles as a history of global interaction
- History and Future of the Capitalist World-System
Selected Publications
- Zeitenwende. Corona, Big Data und die kybernetische Zukunft. Wien 2022: Promedia
- (Hg.) Immanuel Wallerstein und die Rezeption der Weltsystem-Analyse im deutschen Sprachraum. Zeitschrift für Weltgeschichte 22, 1-2, 2021 (erschienen 2022) (gemeinsam mit Klemens Kaps).
- (ed.) Global Commodity Chains and Labor Relations. Leiden – Boston 2021: Brill (with Goran Musić)
- Grenzen. Räumliche und soziale Trennlinien im Zeitenlauf. Wien 2018: Promedia
- Work: The Last 1000 Years. London 2018: Verso. Deutsch: Arbeit 13. bis 21. Jahrhundert. Eine globalgeschichtliche Perspektive Wien 2015.
- (Hg.) Global Inequalities in World-Systems Perspective. Theoretical Debates and Methodological Innovations. London - New York 2018: Routledge (zusammen mit Manuela Boatcă, Hans-Heinrich Nolte).
- Imperial Cohesion, Nation-Building and Regional Integration in the Habsburg Monarchy. In: Berger Stefan/Miller Alexej (Hg.), Nationalizing Empires. Budapest 2014, S. 369-427.