Sammelband "Sexuality and Consumption. Intersections and Entanglements"


Dedicated to Franz X. Eder

Hg. von Mario Keller, Johann Karl Kirchknopf, Oliver Kühschelm, Karin Moser und Stefan Ossmann


Band 4 der Reihe Werbung – Konsum – Geschichte
Berlin: De Gruyter Oldenbourg 2022
239 S.
99,95 Euro
ISBN: 978-3-110747546

In western societies today, it goes almost without saying that sex and consumption are closely related. On the one hand, there is a plethora of commercial goods and services that shape sexual desires and practices. On the other, there are scarcely any products or services that do not lend themselves to sexually charged advertising and mass media communication. This volume focuses on forms of hybridization of these equally suggestive notions.
