International Conference: "Inter-continental personal entanglements and disruptions in the socialist world, 1970-1990"


Date: 17/18 November 2023

Venue: Seminarraum Geschichte 1, Hauptgebäude, 1.Stock, Stiege 10

Organizers: Berthold Unfried/Claudia Martínez Hernández

Book presentation: 17 November, 7 p.m.

The European socialist states' assistance to countries and liberation movements in Africa, Asia and Latin America was called "Internationalism" - in Cuba Internacionalismo - or "International Solidarity". In this encounter, we will explore that world of politico-economic connections. Our FWF-research project: Entanglements Cuba-GDR: mobilities, exchanges, circulations within the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance ( has investigated inter-continental personal flows as an expression of such "internationalist" practices in the socialist world. This resuming conference will look into situations where such personal flows created situations of entanglement or, alternatively, where such encounters led to conflict and disruption.

Programme (pdf)

For online participants via Zoom
Passcode: 723192
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Book presentation:
"Remembering African Labor Migration to the Second World: Socialist Mobilities between Angola, Mozambique, and East Germany" by Marcia Schenck

Commentaries: Dirk Hoerder, Claudia Martínez, Kirsten Rüther, Berthold Unfried

Date: 17 November 2023, 19 Uhr 
Venue: Seminarraum Geschichte 1, Hauptgebäude, 1.Stock, Stiege 10  

