Mag. Dr. Paul M. Horntrich, BA BA
October 2019 to March 2023 Research Assistent
- 2016 Mag. phil. History/German Studies (University of Vienna)
- 2016 BA Linguistics (University of Vienna)
- 2016 BA Philosophy (University of Vienna)
Areas of Research
- History of Sexuality
- Porn Studies
- Discourse analysis
Current Project
- Pornography in Austria: Political debates and media discussions during the long sexual revolution, 1950s to early 1980s.
- Obscenity, film regulation, and moral reconstruction: Willi Forst’s “The Sinner” as pornographic film scandal in 1950s Austria. In: Mario Keller, Johann Kirchknopf, Oliver Kühschelm, Karin Moser and Stefan Ossmann (Hg.): Sexuality and Consumption – 18th Century to 21st Century [Working title]. Boston/Berlin, forthcoming
- Aufklärung, Verklärung oder Schweigen? Entwicklungslinien römisch-katholischer Sexualpädagogik in Österreich und Deutschland im 20. Jahrhundert, Schulheft 182/183 (2021), forthcoming
- Die Entkriminalisierung von Pornographie in Österreich, in: History|Sexuality | Law, 24/09/2020,
- Science, Sin, and Sexuality in Roman-Catholic Discourses in the German-Speaking Area, 1870s to 1930s. Sexuality & Culture 24, 2137–2160 (2020).