Visiting Scholars / Fellows

Celia Enríquez Rubal (June 2024)

graduated in History from the University of Santiago de Compostela and is currently doing her PhD in Modern History at the University of Castilla-La Mancha with a pre-doctoral contract in the Social History of Population research group. Her lines of research are Social History, Family History, History of Loneliness and Gender History. The PhD research focuses on the single population in a comparative perspective between two areas of Spain in the 18th and 19th centuries: the northwest and the centre of the peninsula. She is interested in the family, residential, employment, welfare, inheritance and conflict strategies of the single male and female population in both areas, as well as their life trajectories, in order to corroborate the existence of differences and similarities between two territories with very different demographic and socioeconomic characteristics. 

Oliver Kühschelm (April - June 2024)

holds the Visiting Professorship for Social History of the 19th to 21st Centuries from April to June 2024. He is co-director of the Institute for Rural History (St. Pölten) and heads the Center for Historical Migration Research. His research interests include the history of social power in the long 19th century; migration and mobility history; economic, consumer and business history; bourgeoisie in the Habsburg Monarchy. Initiator and editorial director of the public history project (history communication via blog and social media).


Alessandro De Cola (April - June 2024)

holds a BA and MA in Cultural Anthropology and a PhD in Global Histories, Cultures and Politics, with a specialization in African History, from the University of Bologna. He is currently a Research Fellow at the Department of History and Culture, University of Bologna and a Research Associate at the International Studies Group of the University of the Free State. His research focuses on the monetary history of East Africa and the Indian Ocean in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. He has published on the impact of colonial monetary policies in Eritrea during the First World War, the role of money in the regularisation of African soldiers in the Italian colonial army, and the tropes on the Eritrean monetary systems in colonial publications. He is currently working on a monograph on the monetary history of Eritrea from the 1850s to the 1950s.

Olimpia Capitano (April - June 2024)

is a PhD researcher at the University of Teramo and a visiting PhD researcher at the University of Vienna. Her studies are mainly focused on social labour history, oral labour history and feminist labour history. Currently, shi is working on a case study about cape verdean, eritrean, ethiopian and filipino domestic workers in Rome (1970-1989).


Teresa Schenk (20.11. - 1.12.2023)

was research assistant (parental leave replacement) at the Department of History at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin and is at the institute for two weeks as part of the Erasmus+ Teaching Mobility.

Marcel van der Linden (September/October 2023)

is Senior Fellow of the International Institute of Social History (Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences) in Amsterdam, where he served as Research Director for many years. He also is emeritus Professor of Social Movement History at the University of Amsterdam and President of the International Social History Association. Doctor honoris causa of the University of Oslo and Fellow of the Royal Historical Society. Recent publications: "The Cambridge History of Socialism" (2 volumes, Cambridge 2023) and "The World Wide Web of Work" (London 2023).


Carlos Vega Gómez (May 2023)

Researcher at the University of Castilla - La Mancha, Spain. He is part of the Department of History and member in the research group "Seminar on Social History of Population" His research focus is situated within the realm of Social History, the study of youth, age, lifecycle, and individual trajectories during the late stages of the Ancien Régime. Furthermore, one of his areas of interest is the investigation of youth and processes of family crisis, orphanhood, guardianships, and curatorships during the transition from the 18th to the 19th century in Castille. During his stay in Vienna he aims to conduct a comparative study on legal and social aspects of guardianship and curatorship between Southern and Northern Europe.

Alexander Engel (summer term 2023)

is a private lecturer in economic and social history at the Georg-August-Universität Göttingen and a research associate at the University of Basel. He works, increasingly using digital history methods, on the history of markets and exchange, capitalism, economic thought and knowledge, and global history and colonial economies. His books include "Colors of Globalization. The Making of Modern Markets for Dyes 1500-1900" (2009) and "Risk Economics. A History of Stock Exchange Futures Trading" (2020); he is also one of the editors of "Market Events. Fragments of a History of Early Modern Economics" (2023). He is currently working on classified advertisements as mass data and exchange relations in Basel's urban society between 1730 and 1850. In the summer semester of 2023 he will hold the Visiting Professorship in Global History.

Christof Jeggle, Dr. (March – June 2023)

is a historian in Bamberg with the research field of pre-industrial economic and social history and the thematic focus on markets, commercial production, trade and distribution, transport and infrastructures, labour, material culture, luxury, intelligence papers, political economy, civil and commercial law. By adapting and applying social science and cultural studies research approaches (Économie des conventions, sociology of markets, actor-network theory, sociology of interaction, practices, gender), these focusses result in elements of a historical anthropology of economic activity as a basis for research in economic history. Besides working in various research projects, most recently with the DFG network "Das Versprechen der Märkte / The Promise of Markets" the book project "Marktgeschehen. Fragmente einer Geschichte frühneuzeitlichen Wirtschaftens / Market activity. Fragments of a History of Early Modern Economic Activity" (Campus 2023) was completed.

Emmanuel Neuhaus (March - September 2023)

is a research associate at the Basel Graduate School of History and a fellow of the Research Fund for the Promotion of Excellent Young Researchers at the University of Basel; Visiting-PhD at the University of Vienna. He is currently working on his dissertation with the working title "Der ärztliche Blick auf Kinder, 'deren Verhalten nicht ohne weiteres verstanden werden kann'. The Zurich Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Observation Stations Stephansburg and Brüschhalde (1921-1975)." Further information on the person and the project can be found at

Johanna Wassholm, PhD (September - December 2022)

is a researcher at Åbo Akademi University, Finland, with expertise on Nordic-Russian relations in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. She currently works in the research project "Waves of Banishments?" (Academy of Finland), in which she investigates banishments of foreigners from the Grand Duchy of Finland in the Russian Empire (1809–1900). Her previous research has dealt with national and linguistic identification, the uses of history, mobility, and ethnified trade.

Claude Chevaleyre, Dr. (September - October 2022)

is CNRS researcher at Lyon Institute of East Asian Studies (France). His main field of research is social history of Ming and Qing China, and in particular coerced labour, slaving practices, and human trafficking. His current research projects include the "China Human Trafficking and Slaving database" (in collaboration with the IISH in Amsterdam) and the "Grammars of Coercion" project developed with Juliane Schiel for the COST action "Worlds of Related Coercions in Work".
Website CNRS 

Hannah Elmer, Dr. (September 2022)

received her PhD in medieval and early modern history at Columbia University and currently holds a postdoctoral research and teaching position at the Leibniz University in Hannover, Germany. She specializes in the cultural, religious and intellectual history of later medieval and early modern Central Europe. Her current research examines the interplay of religious and naturalistic epistemologies in determining boundaries between life and death. She is also developing work concerning the agency of fire in different alchemical contexts.

Michaela Hohkamp, Prof. Dr. (June 2022)

is professor of Early Modern History at Leibniz Universität Hannover (Germany). Her main fields of work and research are: kinship and family, domination and cultures of violence in the Early Modern Period, Women's and Gender History in the context of domination and kinship in the pre-modern period; perspectives on the history of knowledge and historiography.
Website Historisches Seminar, University of Hannover

Hanna Grudniewska, M.A. (April-June 2022)

doctoral student at the University of Ostrava (Czech Republic), currently on an Erasmus+ traineeship mobility (April-June). In her PhD dissertation she is investigating how industrial education adapted to the needs of industry (mainly local) and how it influenced industry by training qualified technical personnel on the example of five selected State Industrial Schools (Saatsgewerbeschulen) in Cisleithania.

Mgr. Jana Nosková, PhD (March-August 2022)

is a visiting research fellow at the "Collection of Biographical Records". She is researching childhood in Brno, Vienna and other cities in the first half of the 20th century. She studied ethnology and history at Masaryk University in Brno and has been a research associate at the Institute of Ethnology of the Czech Academy of Sciences since 2004.
Website Jana Nosková

Begoña Martínez San Nicolás (March-July 2022)

Researcher and professor at the University of Murcia. She is part of the Department of Modern, Contemporary, American History and Social and Political Thought and Movements, as well as is actively collaborating in the research group "Family and Power Elites Seminar (XV-XX cent.)". Her research group has been developing its efforts to deepen the scientific object "family" to reflect on the social organization of the past and its mechanisms of change and reproduction. More specifically, her PhD focuses on the study of Spanish noble families during the Modern Age.
During her stay in Vienna, she will participate in the activities carried out by the Department of Economic and Social History as well as in the research project directed by Margareth Lanzinger: “Noble Siblings: Wealth Arrangements & Social Configurations from the Sixteenth to the Eighteenth Century", funded by the Austrian Science Fund FWF (2021-2024). On the other hand, in these months in Vienna she will continue her research in the Austrian States Archives (Österreichisches Staatsarchiv).
eMail: and*04 

PD Dr. Heinrich Lang (November 2021 - January 2022 and April-June 2022)

Heinrich Lang is a Privatdozent at the Historical Seminar of the University of Leipzig and holds the Visiting Professorship for Economic and Social History of the Middle Ages and Early Modern Period in the winter semester 2021/22 (Nov. to Jan.) and in the summer semester 2022 (April to June). His research interests include accounting (esp. in Italy and southern Germany), business history, Italian city republics, development of state finances, history of knowledge and technology.


Emad Afkham (Wintersemester 2021/22)

PhD student at the University of Alberta (Canada), is at the Institute in the winter semester 2021/22 as an Ernst Mach scholarship holder of the OeAD (Austria's Agency for Education and Internationalisation). 

eMail:  / 


Prof. Dr. Göran Rydén (September 2021  April 2022)

Göran Ryden is professor at the "Department of Economic History“ and at the „Institute for Housing and Urban Research“ of Uppsala University. From September 2021 to April 2022 he is a research fellow at the Viennese Department of Economic and Social History. During his stay in Vienna, Göran Ryden is working on his book project about the iron industry in 18th century Sweden. He is member of the COST Action „Worlds of Related Coercions in Work“ (WORCK).


Dr. Rolf Bauer (Summer term 2021)

In the summer semester 2021 Rolf Bauer held the visiting professorship for global history.
Further personal data: and 

Prof. Dr. Lucas Burkat (February - July 2021)


In the summer semester 2021 Lucas Burkart holds the Visiting Professorship for Economic and Social History of the Middle Ages and Early Modern Period.
He is Professor of Late Medieval and Renaissance History at the Department of History, University of Basel


Attila Magyar, M.A. (January – March 2020)

Research Assistant at the Department of History at the Leibniz University Hannover in Germany. Holding scholarship of the Tempus Foundation and Collegium Hungaricum in Vienna, he is visiting scholar at the Department of Economic and Social History at the University of Vienna. His PhD project focuses on the administration in the border region between the Habsburg and the Ottoman Empire at the end of the 17th century.

For more information visit:


Dr. Mischa Suter (June – December 2019)

Swiss National Science Foundation Fellow and assistant professor of history at University of Basel. Currently he is writing a book on conflicts over money as a societal medium in the period of imperialism, 1870–1923. A people’s history of money, it is devised as a series of connected case studies that focus on the discourse of usury after the financial panic of 1873, the emergence of marginalist economics in the Habsburg empire, the fate of the German rupee in colonial Tanzania, and street protests during the Weimar inflation period.
Further information:

Cláudio PINHEIRO, Visiting Scholar at WISO (January-March, 2019)
Professor of Asian and African Studies, Rio de Janeiro Federal University; International Scholar at Universität zu Köln (2017-2019); Chairman of Sephis (South-South Exchange Programme for the Research on the History of Development).

His research concerns Global Histories of Slavery considering: a) how Early Modern European systems of classification affected non-European forms of dependency in South Asia and South America; and b) debates around theories of slavery, read through sociological approach to historiography on slavery. His visit includes collaboration with Prof. Dr. Juliane Schiel on semantics of slavery.
For further information, see here

Anna Strommenger, M.A. (October 2018 - January 2019)

research associate at the Department of History at the University of Duisburg-Essen, is visiting the Institute of Economic and Social History in the winter semester 2018/19 as part of the ERASMUS+ lecturer mobility and is teaching a Guided Reading together with Ass.-Prof. Juliane Schiel on „New History of Work. Aktuelle Ansätze und Perspektiven“ for Bachelor students in History.

Her dissertation project focuses on homeland references and concepts of homeland within the socialist workers' movement in the Kaiserreich and Weimar Republic. 

Further information on the person and the project at: 


Dr. Matthias Ruoss (August 2018 to March 2019).

Advanced Postdoc.Mobility fellow of the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF).
He is currently working on a book project on the installment trade in Central Europe (1850-1918).
Further information about the person and the project can be found here.

Sarah Baumann, M.A. (August 2018 - January 2019)

Doctoral student and holder of the Doc.Mobility fellowship funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF).
PhD project «Prostitution in Swiss Cities after 1945: regulations, practices, representations» (working title).
For further information see here:

Daša Ličen (April - July 2018)

Junior Researcher at the Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts.
PhD project "Cultural Associations in Trieste as the Setting of the Identification Processes of the Triestine Population (1848-1914)".
Daša Ličen considers cultural associations to be a window revealing major social changes occurring in late Habsburg Trieste. She is especially interested in the interactions between different nation-building projects within the same city.
For more information see here.