Curriculum Vitae

From May 2022 until August 2024: Postdoc Researcher, ERC Project "DATAREV"

Education and Experience

  • 15/11/2014 - 13/03/2019:  Ph.D. in Economic History (Summa Cum Laude), Joint Program of University Carlos III (Madrid) and University of Barcelona, Spain. Thesis: Political Economy of Trade Policy: The Case of the Late Russian Empire. Supervisors: Markus Lampe (WU Vienna), Antonio Tena Junguito (UC3M)
  • 01/09/2009 –03/06/2011:  M.Sc. in International Economics (GPA 91/100), Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO), Russia
  • 01/09/2005 – 22/06/2009: B.A. Economics (Summa Cum Laude), Nizhny Novgorod State University named after N.I. Lobachevsky, Russia

Research Interests

  • European Economic History
  • Eastern European History
  • Agricultural History
  • International Trade
  • Political Economy


Current project

  • European Agriculture and the Great Depression
  • Trade policy and famines in the late Russian Empire
  • Labour conditions and social unrest on the eve of the 1905 Revolution in Russia

Networks and Activities

  • Researcher at the Institut d’Histoire Economique Paul Bairoch at Université de Genève
  • member of the Narrative Science network
  • collaborator of the French ANR project TOFLIT18


Chuchko, Marina

Office hours: by appointment
