Global microhistory

Andrade, Tonio, “A Chinese Farmer, Two African Boys, and a Warlord: Toward a Global Microhistory,” Journal of World History 21, no. 4, 2010, pp. 573–91.

Berg, Maxine, ed., „Global Microhistory of the Local and the Global“, Journal of Early Modern History, 27, 1-2, 2023.

Bertrand, Romain, and Guillaume Calafat, „La microhistoire globale: affaire(s) á suivre“, Annales. Histoire, Sciences Sociales, 73, 1, 2018.

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Epple, Angelika, „Globale Mikrogeschichte: Auf dem Weg zu einer Geschichte der Relationen“, in Ewald Hiebl and Ernst Langthaler (eds.), Im Kleinen das Große suchen: Mikrogeschichte in Theorie und Praxis. Innsbruck and Wien, Studien Verlag, 2012, pp. 37–47.

Gerritsen, Anne, „Scales of a Local: The Place of Locality in a Globalizing World“, in Douglas Northrop, ed., A Companion to World History, Boston and Oxford, Wiley Blackwell, 2012.

Ghobrial, John-Paul A., “The Secret Life of Elias of Babylon and the Uses of Global Microhistory,” Past and Present 222, no. 1, 2014, pp. 51–93.

Ghobrial, John-Paul, ed., „Global History and Microhistory“, Past & Present, volume 242, Issue Supplement 14, 2019.

Ginzburg, Carlo, „Latitude, Slaves, and Bible: An Experiment in Microhistory“, Critical Inquiry, xxxi, 2005 pp. 665–83.

Ginzburg, Carlo, „Microhistory and World History“, in The Cambridge World History, vi, part 2, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2017, pp. 446-73.

Levi, Giovanni, „Microhistoria e Historia Global“, Historia Crítica, 1, 69, 2018, pp. 21-35.

Putnam, Lara, „To Study the Fragments/ Whole: Microhistory and the Atlantic World“, Journal of Social History, xxxix, 3, 2006.

Schiel, Juliane, „Zwischen Panoramablick und Nahaufnahme: Wie viel Mikroanalyse brauch die Globalgeschichte?“, in Lohse Tillmann and Benjamin Scheeler, eds, Europa in der Welt des Mittelalters: Ein Kolloquium für und mit Michael Borgolte. Berlin, De Gruyter, 2014.

Trivellato, Francesca, “Is There a Future for Italian Microhistory in the Age of Global History?” California Italian Studies 2, no. 1, 2011.

Trivellato, Francesca, Microstoria e storia globale. Rome, Officina Libraria, 2023.

“Italian” microhistory

Cerutti, Simona, Justice sommaire. Pratiques et idéaux de justice dans une société d’Ancien Régime, Paris, EHESS, 2021.

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Ferreira Carneiro, Deivy, Daniel Rezende Berbert Dias, A forma e o tempo. Decifrando Carlo Ginzburg, São Paulo, Alameda, 2022.

Ginzburg, Carlo, „Microhistory: Two or Three Things That I Know about It“, Critical Inquiry, x, 1, 1993, pp. 10–35.

Ginzburg, Carlo, The Cheese and the Worms: The Cosmos of a Sixteenth-Century Miller. Baltimore, John Hopkins University Press, 1992.

Gribaudi, Maurizio, Espaces, Temporalités, Stratifications. Exercises su les réseaux sociaux, Paris, EHESS, 1998.

Gribaudi, Maurizio, „Des micro-méchanismes aux configurations globales: Causalité et temporalité historiques dans les formes d’évolution et de l’administration française au XIX siècle“, in Jürgen Schlumbohm, ed., Mikrogeschichte Makrogeschichte: Complementär oder inkommensurabel?, Göttingen, 1998, pp. 83–128.

Levi, Giovanni, „Il piccolo, il grande e il piccolo: Intervista a Giovanni Levi“, Meridiana, 10, 1990, pp. 211-234.

Levi, Giovanni, „On Microhistory“, in Peter Burke, ed., New Perspectives on Historical Writing. University Park, Pa., Penn State University Press, 1992, pp. 93– 113.

Levi, Giovanni, „Un problema di scala“, in Sergio Bologna et al., eds, Dieci interventi sulla storia orale, Torino, 1981, pp. 75–82.

Levi, Giovanni, Inheriting Power: The Story of an Exorcist. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 1988.

Magnússon, Sigurdur Gylfi and István M. Szijártó, What is Microhistory? Theory and Practice, Abington, Routledge, 2013.

Ramella, Franco, Terra e telai. Sistemi di parentela e manifattura nel Biellese dell’Ottocento, Roma, Donzelli, 2022.

Torre, Angelo, ed., Per vie di terra: Movimenti di uomini e di cose nelle società di antico regime, Roma, Franco Angeli, 2007.

Torre, Angelo, Places. Production of Locality in the Early Modern and Modern Age, Abingdon, Routledge, 2020.

Vendrame Maíra, Alexandre Karlsburg, eds., Micro-história. Um método em transformação, São Paulo, Letra e Voz, 2020.

Vendrame, Maíra Ines, Alexandre Karlsburg, eds, Territórios da história. O micro, o local e o global, São Paulo, Alameda, 2023.

Spatial history

Buschmann, Rainer F., Iberian Visions of the Pacific Ocean, 1507–1899. New York, Palgrave, 2014.

Craib, Raymond B., Cartographic Mexico: A History of State Fixations and Fugitive Landscapes. Durham and London, Duke University Press, 2004.

Driver, Felix and Raphael Samuel, „Spatial History: Re-thinking the Idea of Place“, History Workshop Journal, xxxix, 1995, pp. v–vii.

Donnan, Hastings, and Thomas M. Wilson, Borders: Frontiers of Identity, Nation and State. Oxford and New York, Routledge, 1999.

Gruzinski, Serge, Les quatre parties du monde: Histoire d’une mondialisation. Paris, Èditions de La Martinière, 2004.

Howe, Stephen, ed., The New Imperial Histories Reader. London, 2009.

Mawson, Stephanie J., Incomplete Conquests. The Limits of Spanish Empire in the Seventeenth-Century Philippines. Ithaca NY, Cornell University Press, 2023.

Subrahmanyam, Sanjay, From the Tagus to the Ganges. Explorations in Connected History. Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2005.

Rethinking social history

De Vito, Christian G., Juliane Schiel and Matthias van Rossum, „From Bondage to Precariosness? New Perspectives on Labor and Social History“, Journal of Social History, 54, 2, 2020, pp. 644-662.