Moderation: Erich Landsteiner
Hybride Veranstaltung - Link für Zoom-Teilnahme:
Eighteenth-century Sweden was a small country at the European fringes. The iron industry was the main link to global markets and developments, with Swedish iron supplying industrialising Britain. In the second half of the century, this gradually changed, with signs of both material and institutional modifications. It was an approaching modernity, with technological improvement, a market economy and even ideas of progress, but the intellectual understanding of the process was hardly one of change. Instead, contemporaries used the concept of Hushållning to describe Sweden as a static society; change was nowhere to be seen. Towards the end of the century, however, a new approach was in the making, and I will talk about how ideas of an unchanging society gradually gave way for one in which progress was not only visible and achievable, but also desirable. My talk will be framed by the bounds of Swedish iron and steel making, inserted in a global setting, and circle around three interrelated aspects, a free market, technology, and ideas about industrial development and progress.
Die nächsten Termine:
15. März 2022:
Klaus Weber (Frankfurt/O.): Zivilisationskritik als Exportgut? Antiwestliche Ideologien zwischen dem Kaiserreich und dem spätosmanischen und ostasiatischen Raum
Moderation: Juliane Schiel
Seminarraum Geschichte 1, Hauptgebäude Uni Wien, 1. Stock, Stiege 10
WU Wien: 22. März 2022:
Carla Salvo (Sapienza Università di Roma): Does trade liberalization boost innovation? Evidence from French industrial sectors in the 19th century
Moderation: Markus Lampe
Institut für Wirtschafts- und Sozialgeschichte, WU Wien, Raum D4.3.106 und über Zoom: (Meeting-ID: 949 9390 0320, Kenncode: 123159)
29. März 2022:
Buchpräsentation: Dirk Hoerder (Wien): Menschen und Welten in Bewegung. Der Ostalpen- und Donauraum von den Anfängen bis zum 16. Jahrhundert
Moderation: Annemarie Steidl
In Kooperation mit dem VSIG
Seminarraum Geschichte 1, Hauptgebäude Uni Wien, 1. Stock, Stiege 10
Gesamtprogramm WISO Abendkolloquium Sommersemester 2022 (pdf)
WISO Abendkolloquium: Göran Rydén (Uppsala): "Was there a Swedish Sattelzeit? Steel, Technology and Progress"