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The presentation deals with regulations and practices of expulsions in Northern Europe. Departing from the on-going research project “Waves of Banishments? Regulations and Practices of Expulsion in Northern Europe, 1450–1900” (Academy of Finland), it gives an overview of the project’s main aims and its theoretical and methodological frameworks. Special focus lies on nineteenth century Finland, which after having been an integral part of Sweden for seven centuries in 1809 transformed into a separately administered grand duchy of the Russian Empire, predominantly retaining its Swedish pre-1809 legislation. The presentation raises questions on the role of banishments to/from Finland in the wake of the sudden geopolitical upheaval. It also presents examples of the types of sources that can be used to examine expulsions, as well as the source-critical challenges connected with them.
Johanna Wassholm, PhD ist Forscherin an der Åbo Akademi Universität, Finnland, und beschäftigt sich mit den nordisch-russischen Beziehungen im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert. In ihrem Forschungsprojekt „Waves of Banishments?“ untersucht sie die Verbannungen von Ausländer*innen aus dem Großherzogtum Finnland im Russischen Reich (1809–1900). In ihrer bisherigen Forschung beschäftigte sie sich mit nationaler und sprachlicher Identifikation, dem Gebrauch von Geschichte, Mobilität und ethnifiziertem Handel.
WISO Abendkolloquium: Johanna Wassholm (Turku): „Regulations and practices of expulsion: the Grand Duchy of Finland as part of the Russian Empire, 1809–1900“