WISO Abendkolloquium: Klara Arnberg (Stockholm): "Economic-historical dimensions of pornography: the case of post-war Sweden"


Moderation: Paul Horntrich

Zeit: Dienstag, 11. Oktober 2022, 18.15 (!)–19.45 Uhr

Ort: hybrid – Seminarraum Geschichte 3 (!), Hauptgebäude Universität Wien (Universitätsring 1), 2. Stock, Stiege 9 und via Zoom: univienna.zoom.us/j/68503202024



During the post-war period, pornography went from being a criminal underground small-scale business to an internationalized de-regulated market of relatively large actors. This lecture will focus on the case of Sweden, a country which de-criminalized pornography early on (1971), but which also had a reputation of a morally relaxed relation to sexuality. At the center is the relation between the rest of the economy and the pornography business, and how this relation shaped market conditions for retailing, marketing and consumption. This, it is argued, not only says something about the transformation of the pornography market, but also something about how the regular market uses notions of morality at its core functions.

Klara Arnberg is an associate professor of Economic History at Stockholm University. Her research is focusing on gender and sexuality aspects of the construction and working of markets. She has written extensively on pornography and advertising history.


Programm WISO Abendkolloquium Wintersemester 2022 (pdf)