WISO-Morgenkolloquium: Janine Maegraith: "Table talk. Lives in a negotiated community: courts, kin, neighbours, and the market in early modern Tyrol"


Kommentar: Juliane Schiel

Moderation: Kirsten Wandschneider

Zeit: Mittwoch, 15. März 2023, 9–10 Uhr

Ort: hybrid – Seminarraum WISO, Hauptgebäude, Stiege 6, 2. Zwischengeschoß und via Zoom

Zoom-Link: https://univienna.zoom.us/j/64098660535?pwd=VWg2dUgwb0k1RjBmd2I5NGJIT2o5UT09

Meeting-ID: 64098660535
Kenncode: 719953

This is a microstudy about a table talk held in the Stube of a Tyrolean peasant in 1610 where he explained his will and pre-mortem planning to his kin. They did not like what they heard and what followed was a heated inheritance dispute after his death. This microstudy serves as a starting point for a social, economic, and legal study of a locality in southern Tyrol raising questions about given economic definitions. I would like to take this opportunity to discuss with you my book structure and to present some results of one chapter, the 'material world' of the protagonist.
