WISO Morgenkolloquium: Marina Chuchko, European Agriculture and the Great Depression: Productivity Growth and Farming Resilience


Kommentar: Clemens Jobst

Moderation: Kirsten Wandschneider

Zeit: Mittwoch, 24. Jänner 2024, 9–10 Uhr

Ort: hybrid - Seminarraum WISO, Hauptgebäude Universität Wien (Universitätsring 1), Stiege 6, 2. Zwischengeschoß und via Zoom

Zoom-Link: https://univienna.zoom.us/j/61676081795?pwd=TUt4SE4reXcxdk9aUFc4cmwzeVBSUT09#success


This research studies the relationship between farm productivity and resilience amidst the economic fluctuations of Europe's Great Depression. Using farm accountancy data from 11 European countries (Central, Northern, and Eastern Europe), I empirically analyze the period's productivity trends and their relation to agricultural robustness across several farming systems. The data, sourced from the International Institute of Agriculture and national records, span ten agricultural years (1927/28 – 1936/37), allowing for a detailed year-on-year examination of the sector's economic performance. This study aims to contribute to the discourse on recession-productivity nexus, and provide empirical insight into the sector's crisis response and resilience.

Marina Chuchko is postdoc assistent at the DATAREV project.