Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Ernst Langthaler

eMail: ernst.langthaler@jku.at

Since 2016 Professor at the Institut für Wirtschafts-, Sozial- und Umweltgeschichte, JKU Linz

Education and Experience

  • 1986 Secondary school teacher (Pädagogische Akademie Krems)
  • 1995 Mag. phil. (University of Vienna)
  • 2000 Dr. phil. (University of Vienna)
  • 2010 Habilitation for economic and social history (University of Vienna)
  • SS 2010 Guest professor of economic and social history (University of Innsbruck)
  • WS 2010/11-WS 2011/12 Guest professor of economic and social history (University of Vienna)
  • 2010 Secretary of the European Rural History Organisation (EURHO)
  • 2011 Director of the Institute of Rural History (St. Polten)
  • 2016 Fellow at the Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society in Munich
  • 2016 Professor for Social and Economic History at the Johannes Kepler Universität Linz

Areas of Research

  • Agrarian and nutritional history
  • Rural environmental and social history
  • Regional and global history
  • Historical anthropology
  • Social and cultural science methodology