Univ.-Doz. Dr. Susan Zimmermann

Email: susan.zimmermann@univie.ac.at
Website: http://www.ceu.hu/profiles/faculty/susan_zimmermann

Associate lecturer, Institute for Economic and Social History; external lecturer, Institute for International Development

Education and Experience

  • 1986 Mag. phil. (University of Vienna)
  • 1993 Dr. phil. (University of Vienna)
  • 1999 Habilitation, Eötvös Lóránd Universität, Budapest 2000 Habilitation, Johannes Kepler Universität, Linz
  • 2001 Professor of History, Central European University, Budapest
  • 2013 University Professor, Central European University, Budapest
  • 2014 President, International Conference of Labour and Social History, ITH

Areas of Research

  • Transnational history of work and social politics
  • History of women’s movements and international women’s organizations
  • Internationalism and global inequality
  • Hungarian social and political history

Selected Publications

  • Women’s ILO. Transnational Networks, Global Labour Standards and Gender Equity, 1919 to Present, Leiden: Brill 2018 (together with Eileen Boris and Dorothea Hoehtker).
  • Equality of women’s economic status? A major bone of contention in the international gender politics emerging during the interwar period, in: The International History Review, published online 15 November 2017, DOI 10.1080/07075332.2017.1395 761.
  • The politics of exclusionary inclusion. Peace activism and the struggle over international and domestic order in the International Council of Women, 1899–1914, in: Thomas Hippler, Miloš Vec (eds), Paradoxes of Peace in Nineteenth Century Europe, Oxford: Oxford University Press 2015, 189–215.
  • Divide, Provide and Rule. An Integrative History of Poverty Policy, Social Policy and Social Reform in Hungary under the Habsburg Monarchy, Budapest, New York: CEU Press 2011.
  • The long-term trajectory of Antislavery in international politics. From the expansion of the European international system to unequal international development, in: Marcel van der Linden (ed.), Humanitarian Intervention and Changing Labour Relations. The Long-term Consequences of the Abolition of the Slave Trade (= Studies in Global Social History, vol. 7) Leiden: Brill 2011, 431–496.
  • Grenzüberschreitungen. Internationale Netzwerke, Organisationen, Bewegungen und die Politik der globalen Ungleichheit. 17. bis 21. Jahrhundert, Vienna: Mandelbaum 2010.
