Cossio, Dinorah
Zimmer: O2.29 (Hauptgebäude, Stiege VI)
Project: “Abnormal Motherhoods: Precariousness, Sterility and Anxiety in 20th and 21st Century Spanish Cinema”, funded by HORIZON-MCSA (in collaboration with Margareth Lanzinger)
Ausbildung und Laufbahn
- 2021 Ph.D. in Iberian and Latin American Languages and Cultures, University of Texas at Austin, Dissertation: What Have I Done to Deserve This? “Abnormal Motherhoods” in 21st Century Spanish and Argentinian Cultural Production
- 2011 MA in Literary Studies, Universidad Complutense de Madrid
- 2008 BA in Philosophy, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
- Gender Studies
- Film Studies
- Motherhood Studies
- Contemporary Latin American and Spanish Literature
Netzwerke und Aktivitäten
- 2023 Margarita Salas, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
- 2022 Mellon Grant Course Development, Guilford College
- 2021 Nomination Outstanding Dissertation Award, UT Austin
- 2020-21 Graduate Continuing Bruton Fellowship, UT Austin
- 2020 Fath Fellowship, Department of Spanish & Portuguese, UT Austin
- 2019 Graduate School Summer Fellowship, UT Austin
- 2019 Javier Gutiérrez-Rexach Scholarship, UT Austin
- 2017 Latin American Studies Association Conference Travel Award
- 2017 Field Research Grant, Argentine Studies Program, UT Austin
- 2016 Funding Grant, Middlebury Summer School of Hebrew
- 2015, 17, 19 Appleman Graduate Fellowship, Schusterman Center for Jewish Studies, UT Austin
- 2015 - 2019 Professional Development Award, UT Austin
- 2012 Hebrew Ulpan Scholarship, Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs
- 2008 - 2010 Graduate Studies Scholarship, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
- Storie in Movimento – Zapruder – co-founder and member
Selected Publications
- “Ambivalencia y toxicidad: el vínculo materno-filial en Distancia de rescate”. Revista Canadiense de Estudios Hispánicos 45 (3): 543-577.
- “‘No por mucho más sufrir vas a ser mejor madre’: la maternidad sacrificial y la naturalizació delcuidado en Madres. Amor y vida”. Motherhood, Social Reproduction and Care in Neoliberal Times: Decolonizing the Patriarchal Imaginary, special issue of Journal of Contemporary Spanish Literature and Film 5: 52-98.
- “La preocupación por el origen: el género autobiográfico entre lo judío y lo nacional”, Autobiografia ebraica: identità e narrazione. Consonanze 22: 245-253.
- “Proceso a Jesús: modernización y antisemitismo en la Iglesia española de los 70”. Journal of Spanish Cultural Studies 20 (3): 445-459.