Christian G. De Vito

Zimmer: ZG2O1.84  (Hauptgebäude, Stiege VI)
Telefon: +43 1 4277 – 41309
Sprechstunde: Montag 15:00 - 16:30


Professur für Globalgeschichte seit Oktober 2023


Professor of Global Economic and Social History

Co-coordinator (with Valeska Huber and Juliane Schiel) of the FSP Global History  Co-coordinator (with

Juliane Schiel) of the Erasmus Mundus Global Studies (EMGS) Programme


Ausbildung und Laufbahn

  • From October 2023    Professor of Global Economic and Social History at the University of Vienna
  • 2018-2023    Postdoc researcher and Research Group Leader at the Bonn Centre for Dependency and Dependency Studies (BCDSS), University of Bonn, Germany
  • 2013-2018    Postdoc researcher on the ERC project „The Carceral Archipelago“, University of Leicester, UK
  • 2010-2015     Honorary Fellow at the International Institute of Social History, Amsterdam, NL
  • 2003-2008    PhD in History at the Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa, Italy
  • 1995-2001     BA and MA in History at the University of Florence, Italy


    • Social history of the early modern and modern periods (16th-21st centuries)
    • Social history of punishment
    • Global labour history
    • Global convict labour history
    • Global history and microhistory (micro-spatial history)
    • History of the Spanish empire (16th-20th century)
    • Social history of psychiatry (20th century)
    • History of social movements (1945-today)

    Netzwerke und Aktivitäten


    • 2023 (with Adam Fagbore and Eric Vanhaute), „Punishing Workers, Managing Labour“, International Review of Social History, Special Issue.
    • 2022 (with Viola Müller), „Punishing the Enslaved in the Americas, 1760s-1880s“, Journal of Global Slavery, 7, Special issue.
    • 2022 „Las múltiples mitas y la coacción laboral entre el ‚sistema toledano‘ y sus subversiones“, Dialogo Andino, 69, pp. 41-51.
    • 2021 (with Chiara Lucrezio Monticelli), „Pluralità dei regimi punitivi: periodizzazioni, circolazioni, modelli cattolici“, Meridiana, 101, Special issue „Regimi punitivi“, pp. 9-22.
    • 2020 (with Juliane Schiel and Matthias van Rossum), „From Bondage to Precariousness? New Perspective on Labor and Social History“, Journal of Social History, 54, 2, pp.644-662.
    • 2019 „History without Scale: The Micro-Spatial Perspective“, Past & Present, vol. 242, Issue Supprement 14, pp. 348-372.
    • 2018 The Spanish Empire, 1500–1898. In A Global History of Convicts and Penal Colonies, edited by Clare Anderson, London.
    • 2018 (with Anne Gerritsen), eds, Micro-spatial Histories of Global Labour, London.
    • 2015 (with Alex Lichtenstein), eds, Global Convict Labour. Leiden and Boston.
    • 2009 Camosci e girachiavi. Storia del carcere in Italia, Roma-Bari.

    For the complete list of publication, please check:
    (99+) Christian G. De Vito | Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn -