Sophia Bauer, B.A. MA

Room: ZG102.24 (main building, staircase VI)

Praedoc assistent from May to October 2024
Editorial staff of the journal "Historische Anthropologie"

Curriculum vitae


Education and Experience

  • Since 2021: Doctoral Studies in History at the University of Vienna
  • 2021: Master’s in history at the University of Vienna
  • 2018-2021: Diploma Studies in Medicine at the Medical University of Vienna
  • 2018: Bachelor’s in history at the University of Vienna
  • 2013-2014: Bachelor´s in architecture at the Technical University of Vienna

Main areas of research

  • History of anatomy in the 18th, 19th und beginning 20th Century
  • Anatomical teaching practices
  • Material history und networks
  • Scientific networks
  • Knowledge transformation and circulation
  • History of anatomical Collections

Ongoing Research Projects

  • PhD project: „Anatomical teaching practices and materiality at the University of Vienna (1848-1914)“
  • OeAD (WTZ-Grant) - UA 2023/01 „Henryk Kadyi and the Anatomical departments of the Universities of Vienna, Cracow, Prague and Lviv – A case study in shared European scientific networks“; Medizinische Universität Wien (until 06/2025).

Publications (selection)

  • Sophia Bauer, Leo Schaukal, Wolfgang J. Weninger, The influence of censorship laws on Viennese anatomy textbooks from the outgoing 18th century until after the student revolution of 1848 in Austrian absolutism. In: Annals of Anatomy, Vol. 250 (2023), 152129 (doi:
  • Sophia Bauer, Von Lehrbüchern und Skalpellen. Die Geschichte des anatomischen Unterrichts an der Wiener Medizinischen Fakultät (1845–1945). In: Elisabeth Dietrich-Daum, Marina Hilber, Elisabeth Lobenwein et al. (Hg.), Virus. Beiträge zur Sozialgeschichte der Medizin 20 (Leipzig 2022), 317–323. (doi:  10.1553/virus20s317)


  • Merit-based Scholarship of the University of Vienna 2020/21