Florian Andretsch, BA MA
Room: M23 (Schottengasse 10, 1010 Wien)
Telephone: +43 1 4277 – 413 73
Email: florian.andretsch@univie.ac.at
Since 10/2021 Praedoc Assistent at the FWF Project „Noble Siblings" (PI: Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Margareth Lanzinger)
Education and Experience
Research Interests
- The history of kinship and the Family
- Systems of inheritance and successionThe social history of European elites
- History of the Habsburg Empire
- The history of rents and labour
Current Research Project
- PhD Project: „Adelige Geschwister (Noble Siblings): Vermögen und soziale Konfigurationen“ (FWF), supervised by Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Margareth Lanzinger