a.o. Univ. Prof. Mag. Dr. Erich Landsteiner
Profile in u:cris-Portal
Room: ZG2O1.82 (main building, staircase VI)
Telephone: +43 1 4277 - 41318
Office hours: Wednesday 14:00 - 16:00
Email: erich.landsteiner@univie.ac.at
Education and Experience
- 1986 Mag. phil. (University of Vienna)
- 1992 Dr. phil. (University of Vienna)
- 2002 Habilitation (University of Vienna)
- 2002 ao. Univ. Professor for Economic and Social History (University of Vienna)
Areas of Research
- Economic and social history in the Early Modern period
- Agrarian history
- History of commerce and finance
Selected Publications
- Erich Landsteiner, Ernst Langthaler (eds.). Agrosystems and Labour Relations in European Rural Societies (Middle Ages – Twentieth Century), Turnhout 2010.
- “Landwirtschaft und Agrargesellschaft,” in: Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft. Europa 1000-2000. M. Cerman, F. X. Eder, P. Eigner, A. Komlosy and E. Landsteiner (eds.). Vienna 2011: 178-210.
- “The Production and Trade of Steel and Steel Tools in the Early Modern Semi-Periphery. A Commodity Chain Approach to the Innerberg District (Austria) in the 16th and 17th Centuries,” in: L’acier en Europe avant Bessemer. Philippe Dillmann, Liliane Pérez and Catherine Verna (eds.). Toulouse 2011: 405-446.
- “Demesne Lordship and the Early Modern State in Central Europe: The Struggle for Labour Rent in Lower Austria in the Second Half of the Sixteenth Century,” in: The Agricultural History Review 59 (2011): 266-292.
- “Wein – Weinbau, Handel,” in: Enzyklopädie der Neuzeit, vol. 15 (Stuttgart-Weimar 2012): 886-893.