Maria Stella Chiaruttini, PhD


Profile in u:cris-Portal

Room: ZG201.79 (main building, staircase VI)
Telephone: +43 1 4277 41305


Education and Experience

  • 2005–2008 BA in Economics and Business Administration, University of Trieste
  • 2008–2010 MSc in Economics with a focus on International Economics, University of Trieste and University of Zurich (2009/2010)
  • 2010–2013 Research and teaching assistant, Department of Economics, University of Zurich
  • 2015 MRes in History and Civilization, European University Institute, Florence
  • 2014–2019 Doctoral Programme in History and Civilization, Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Youssef Cassis, European University Institute, Florence
  • 2019 Lecturer and post-doctoral research associate, Institute for Economic and Social History, University of Göttingen
  • 2020 University assistant (Post-doc), Department of Economic and Social History, University of Vienna

Research Interests

  • Financial markets and institutions
  • Monetary history and central banking
  • Fiscal policy
  • Business elites
  • Nationalism
  • Regionalism
  • 19th-century European history

Ongoing Research Projects

  • Credit integration between Trieste and Vienna, 19th century (with Clemens Jobst)
  • Historical data on credit market integration at provincial level, Italy 1815–1936 (in cooperation with Banca d’Italia and Paris School of Economics)
  • Fiscal conflicts and the Italian unification
  • Banking and cultural history of Southern Italy

Networks and activities

  • Karl-Ferdinand-Werner-Fellowship, Deutsches Historisches Institut Paris (2022)
  • Visiting Scholar, Department of Economics and Statistics, University of Naples Federico II (2019)
  • Member of ‘Democracy and Its Discontents: A Historical Examination of the Current Predicament of Democracy’, CIVICA research project in cooperation with Sciences Po, Bocconi University, European University Institute and Central European University
  • Co-organizer of the conference ‘Change, Evolution and Disruption in Modern and Contemporary Italy’, Annual Conference of the Association for the Study of Modern Italy, London (2022)
  • Co-organizer of the conference ‘Where is the Money? Financial Networks and the Geography of Credit Development’, Oesterreichische Nationalbank, University of Vienna and Paris School of Economics, Vienna (2022)
  • Co-organizer of the session ‘For Better or for Worse: Banking Networks and Their Role in Economic Integration and Crises’, European Historical Economics Society Conference, Groningen (2022)
  • Co-organizer of the session ‘International Capital Markets in Times of Conflict and Instability’, 19th World Economic History Congress, Paris (2022)
  • Co-organizer of the sessions ‘Regional Financial Development Between National Consolidation and Political Independence’ and ‘Territorial Money and International Financial Integration: A View from the Global South’, 4. Kongress für Wirtschafts- und Sozialgeschichte, Vienna (2021)
  • Co-organizer of the Evening Seminar of the Department of Economic and Social History, University of Vienna (since 2020)
  • Co-organizer of the conference ‘Global History from the South: Italian and Iberian Perspectives on the 19th and 20th Centuries’ at the European University Institute (2018)
  • Member of the European Historical Economics Society (since 2019)
  • Member of the Association for the Study of Modern Italy (since 2019)
  • Member of the Economic History Society (since 2017)
  • Member of the Società Italiana degli Storici dell'Economia (since 2017)
  • Member of the Associazione per la Storia Economica (since 2016)
  • Coordinator of the working group Economic History and Ideas at the European University Institute (2014–2019)
  • Student Ambassador of the Economic History Society at the European University Institute (2016–2019)

Prizes and Awards

  • ASMI Postgraduate Essay Prize, Association for the Study of Modern Italy (2019)
  • First (2005) and second prize (2004) ‘Euripideum’, national translation contest (ancient Greek), Liceo Classico Stellini, Udine
  • First prize of the European Summer School of Classics, regional translation contest (Latin), University of Trieste (2005)
  • First (2004) and second prize (2003, 2005) ‘Certamen Latinum Fabio Suadi’, regional translation contest (Latin), Rotary Club Trieste Nord and Liceo Classico Petrarca, Trieste 

Selected Publications

  • Bankers and Branches: The Political Economy of Branch Banking in Risorgimento Italy, in Palgrave Studies in the History of Finance, Palgrave Macmillan, forthcoming
  • ‘Fatta l'Italia, bisogna fare… le (banche) italiane: leggere la formazione dello stato unitario da Carlo Alberto a Giolitti nella parabola delle banche di emissione italiane’, Storia e Problemi Contemporanei, forthcoming
  • ‘“A Hotbed of Thieves”: Bankers, Politicians and the Dawn of Banking Supervision in Risorgimento Italy’, Revue Française d'Histoire Économique, 2 (2023), 48–62.
  • ‘Telling Figures: A New Dataset on the Regional Origins of Italian Central Banking and the Rise of Piedmontese Finance Before 1861’, Rivista di Storia Economica, 2 (2022), 147–184.
  • ‘Great Expectations: Public Banking in Southern Italy Between Promises and Failures’, IBF Paper Series: Banking and Finance in Historical Perspective, 01–2022, Institute for Banking and Financial History, Frankfurt am Main.
  • ‘“Robbery Made the Kingdom of Italy, Misery Will Unmake It.”  Fiscal Conflicts and Italian Nation-Building’, Jahrbuch für Wirtschaftsgeschichte, 62/2 (2021), 369–403.
  • ‘Financial Innovation and Resilience: A Comparative Perspective on the Public Banks of Naples, 1462‒1808’, Journal of Economic History, forthcoming (book review).
  • ‘The Bank of Naples and the Struggle for Regional Power in Risorgimento Italy’, Modern Italy, 26/3 (2021), 313–330.
  • ‘Boom and Bust: A Global History of Financial Bubbles’, Journal of Economic Literature, 59/3 (2021), 1032–1034 (book review).
  • ‘Storia del Banco di Sicilia’, Business History, 63/1 (2021), 149–150 (book review).
  • ‘Woe to the Vanquished? State, ‘Foreign’ Banking and Financial Development in Southern Italy in the Nineteenth Century’, Financial History Review, 27/3 (2020), 340–360.
  • ‘Per una storia finanziaria del Risorgimento e della Questione meridionale: uno squarcio’, Rassegna storica del Risorgimento, 1 (2020), 89–91.
  • ‘Banking Integration and (Under)development: A Quantitative Reassessment of the Italian Financial Divide, 1814–1874’, IBF Paper Series 03–2020, Institute for Banking and Financial History, Frankfurt am Main.
  • ‘Nationalstaat als Telos? Der konservative Diskurs in Preußen und Sardinien-Piemont, 1840–1870’, European Review of History, 26/3 (2019), 541‒543 (book review).
  • ‘The Lira: Token of National (Dis)union, 1814–1874’, HEC Working Papers 2018/01, European University Institute, Florence.
  • ‘Vicarious Consumers: Trans-National Meetings Between the West and East in the Mediterranean World, 1730–1808’, European Review of History, 25/6 (2018), 1080‒1081 (book review).
  • ‘Genoa, “La Superba”: The Rise and Fall of a Merchant Pirate Superpower’, European Review of History, 25/6 (2018), 1075 (book review).
  • ‘The Bank to the Government and the Government to the Bankers: Banking Development and the Italian Risorgimento, 1814–1874’, Proceedings of the Economic History Society Annual Conference, Keele 2018, 45‒49.
  • ‘50 ans d’affacturage en France: des pionniers et leaders aux groupes bancaires, 1964–2016’, European Review of History, 24/6 (2017), 1010–1011 (book review).
  • ‘“Con regolata indifferenza, con attenzione costante”: potere politico e parola stampata nel Granducato di Toscana, 1814–1847’, European Review of History, 24/4 (2017), 648–649 (book review).
  • ‘Banchieri centrali o locali? Brevi riflessioni sulla vexata quaestio della pluralità monetaria fra passato, presente e futuro’, in E. Dansero, M. G. Lucia, U. Rossi and A. Toldo, eds., (S)radicamenti (Florence, 2017), 607–613.
  • ‘De la croissance à la crise, 1925–1935: le moment Tannery’, European Review of History, 23/1–2 (2016), 292–294 (book review).
  • ‘I nuovi mercati dei capitali: bene comune o piattaforma privata? Il caso dell’exchange industry transatlantica fra rivoluzione tecnologica e deregulation’, in F. Celata, R. Gemmiti and L. Scarpelli, eds., Commons/Comune (Florence, 2016), 385–391.
  • ‘Wandering Greeks: The Ancient Greek Diaspora from the Age of Homer to the Death of Alexander the Great’, European Review of History, 22/6 (2015), 995–997 (book review).
  • ‘La ristrutturazione dello spazio economico postsovietico: regionalismi europei in conflitto’, in C. Capineri, D. De Vincenzo, F. Dini, M. Lazzeroni and F. Randelli, eds., Conflitti/Conflicts (Florence, 2015), 173–181.
  • ‘Le metropoli americane: da poli industriali a crocevia di flussi finanziari’, in G. Scaramellini and E. Mastropietro, eds., Atti del XXXI Congresso Geografico Italiano, 1 (Milan, 2015), 165–174.
  • ‘Europe’s Economic Landscape from the Perspective of Trade Flows and Net Foreign Assets Positions’, European Journal of Geography, 5/2 (2014), 7–17.
  • ‘Macroeconomic Aspects of the European Crisis: A Debt Analysis’, in M. G. Lucia and L. S. Rizzo, eds., A Geographical Approach to the European Financial Crisis: Challenges and Policy Agenda (Ariccia, 2014), 55–72.              
  • ‘Resilienza e competitività commerciale dell’Unione Europea: integrazione o entropia?’ in C. Capineri, F. Celata, D. de Vincenzo, F. Dini, F. Randelli and P. Romei, eds., Oltre la globalizzazione: resilienza/resilience, (Florence, 2014), 97–101.
  • ‘The Engine of Globalization: The Role of Multinationals in the Process of Economic Integration’, in F. Dini and F. Randelli, eds., Oltre la globalizzazione: le proposte della geografia economica (Florence, 2012), 79–86.
  • ‘La valutazione delle riserve petrolifere: un problema contabile più che geografico’, in A. Di Blasi, ed., Atti del XXX Congresso Geografico Italiano, 1 (Bologna, 2011), 439–442.