Jil von der Laden, B.A.

Room: ZG201.87 (main building, staircase VI)
Email: jil.von.der.laden@univie.ac.at

Education and Experience

  • Since 2020 MA Global Studies (Erasmus Mundus) at the University of Vienna
  • 2016-2020 Double Degree BA in Economics and Latin American Studies at the University of Applied Sciences Münster and Universidad de Belgrano, Buenos Aires

    Professional Experience

    • Since 2024 Project Assistant in the Erasmus Mundus Global Studies MA Program and FSP Global History (Project Lead: Prof. Juliane Schiel)
    • 2023 Freelance Writer for the football magazine Ballesterer
    • 2021-2023 Trainer and Education Coach at Kicken ohne Grenzen, Vienna
    • 2019 Internship at the German Embassy in Asunción, Paraguay
    • 2017-2018 Student Assistant in teaching Business Spanish and Intercultural Competence at the University of Applied Sciences Münster

    Main areas of research

    • Gender, Feminisms, Intersectionality
    • Social Justice and Human Rights
    • Sport and Development
    • Regional Focus: Europe and Latin America (Argentina)