Univ. Prof. Dr. Clemens Jobst


Profile in u:cris-Portal

Room: ZG 201.85 (main building, staircase VI)
Telephone: +43 1 4277 41325

Office hours: by appointment.

Email: clemens.jobst@univie.ac.at
Professor for Economic and Social History XIXth and XXth century since May 2019

Director of the Doctoral Programme for Historical and Cultural Studies

Vice-head of department


Research interests

  • Money and central banking
  • Financial institutions and markets
  • Economic history of the Habsburg monarchy
  • Quantitative und econometric methods

Ongoing research

  • Research project „Decentralizing central banks: The branch offices of the Austrian and Prussian banks of issue, 1815–1880” (funded by the Anniversary Fund of the Austrian National Bank)
  • Routledge Handbook on the History of Central banking (together with Stefano Ugolini)
  • Construction and interpretation of historic time series on central bank balance sheets
  • Banking development of banking in 19th century France
  • Austrian Hyperinflation 1921-1922

Networks and activities

  • Research Fellow (Economic History Programme), Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR) , 2012–
  • Member of the Steering committee of the Bank for International Settlements and Irving Fisher Committee on Historical Monetary and Financial Statistics, 2016 –
  • South-East European Monetary History Network, 2008–
  • Member of the Advisory committee of the Vienna University Press, 2023–
  • Chairman of the expert panel for humanities and social sciences, Anniversary Fund of the Oesterreichische Nationalbank, 2017–2019
  • Consultant for the Bălgarska Narodna Banka. Reorganisation of publications and historic research at the Bulgarian National Bank. 2017–2018

Selected recent publications

  • Die Verträge von Saint Germain und Trianon und die finanzielle Regelung der Währungstrennung. With Peter Eigner. In: Ulrike Harmat (Hg.), Das Erbe der Habsburgermonarchie in den Nachfolgestaaten: Brüche und Kontinuitäten (= Sonderband zur Reihe: Die Habsburgermonarchie 1848–1918, Vienna: Verlag der ÖAW 2024 (forthcoming).
  • Supervision without regulation. Discount Limits at the Austro-Hungarian Bank, 1909-1913. With Kilian Rieder. Economic History Review, 76(4) 2023.
  • Historical monetary and financial statistics for policymakers: towards a unified framework. With Vincent Bignon, Claudio Borio, Øyvind Eitrheim, Marc Flandreau, Jan F Qvigstad and Ryland Thomas. BIS Papers No 127, 2022.
  • A new long-run consumer price index for Austria , 1800–2018. With Gerald Hubmann and Michaela Maier. Monetary policy & Economy Q3/2020  (German version in Vierteljahresschrift für Sozial und Wirtschaftsgeschichte, March 2020)
  • The quest for stable money: Central banking in Austria, 1816–2016, with Hans Kernbauer. Frankfurt, 2016.


List of Publications